Leon Finkel gave a presentation to the accounting firm of FGMK on August 10, 2018, entitled “Protecting Your Client’s Business in the Event of Divorce.”

Mr. Finkel is the managing partner of Berger Schatz.  His practice is significantly focused on the representation of business owners and their spouses.  He frequently speaks to law firms’ business attorneys and to accountants and business advisors, presenting information they need to know to protect their clients in the event of a potential divorce; that death and taxes are a certainty, but divorce is 50/50 and it needs to be planned for. This year Mr. Finkel has spoken at Hinshaw & Culbertson, Levenfeld Pearlstein, Saul Ewing Arnstein & Lehr, as well as the accounting firm, FGMK. He is scheduled to present at Vedder Price in September, 2018.


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